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The Pros And Cons Of Taking Up Cycling



Cycling has become more popular across Europe and the US since 2020, but why is it booming? In this guide, we’ll explore the pros and cons of taking up cycling to help you decide whether it’s time to jump on the bike bandwagon. 

The Pros

Getting fit is one of the best reasons to get a bike. Cycling provides a cardio workout and it’s brilliant for strengthening and conditioning the whole body. It’s a flexible sport, which caters to everyone, and it doesn’t have to cost the earth. You can pick up basic bicycles if you’re on a budget or snap up a second-hand bargain online. Another benefit is reducing your carbon footprint. Studies show that nearly 80% of people want to adopt a greener lifestyle. Cycling is much more environmentally friendly than driving or getting on a bus, for example. It can also save you a fortune in commuting costs. 

Cycling is a versatile sport. You can go for a bike ride on your own to enjoy some peace and quiet, invite friends and family members, or take the kids out. There are also opportunities to join local clubs and groups, which offer great social benefits. Taking your bike out is also an excellent way to enjoy fresh air and discover the great outdoors. Spending time outside is proven to boost mental well-being and lower stress levels. 

The Cons

Cycling is not always a practical option if you live far away from the office, or you have a city center apartment with limited access to quiet roads and parks. Most people don’t have the time or inclination to cycle for hours to get from A to B. There’s also a fear of being surrounded by other vehicles, especially in urban areas. Some people may be put off by the risk of being involved in a bicycle accident. Bikes can be hard for drivers to spot and collisions can cause serious injuries. To lower risks, use bike lights at night and wear a helmet and high-vis clothing. Stick to cycle routes wherever possible and be mindful of other road users.

Another downside of cycling is the inability to carry a lot of stuff with you when you’re on the move. You can add a basket to your bicycle or wear a rucksack, but you can’t transport heavy or large items. It’s also not a viable option if you’re taking young children to school, or you’re going for a walk with your dog, for example. In some cases, cycling might not be safe due to poor air quality. If you live in a big city, you may not want to travel around gridlocked streets where pollution levels are high. 

Cycling is a popular hobby. There are multiple reasons to get involved, including boosting health and fitness, saving money on getting around and reducing your carbon footprint. Although there are lots of benefits, there are also downsides. Cycling isn’t always the most practical option and it can be dangerous if there is heavy traffic or a lack of cycle routes. Always wear high-vis clothing and a helmet and use lights after dark to lower risks. 

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