Texas Student Drives Barbie Jeep Around Campus After Getting DWI
Tara Monroe, a junior at Texas State University, has become an Internet sensation after she started driving around campus in a pink Barbie Jeep following her DWI.
Her father wasn’t happy about the DWI, so he drove up to San Marcos and gave her a bike to get around. But the daughter wasn’t very happy about riding a bike around campus, so she went on Craigslist and bought a battery-powered Barbie Jeep for $60, which she named Charlene after the previous, toddler owner.
“I figured I’d hear back from her,” her father Monte said. “Well, I did hear back from her. She said, ‘Dad, I got a Barbie jeep.’ And she sent me a picture of her in the jeep.”
The kiddie ride isn’t the most comfortable car for the 5’3″ 20-year-old student, but Monroe said she’s having fun living life as “Barbie Jeep girl” and reliving her childhood on campus. “It was the best decision I’ve made in college, yet,” Monroe said. She also added that it goes faster when it’s just her so she makes her friends walk behind her.
Delighted and possibly confused students have Instagrammed and Snapchatted photos of the 20-year-old cruising across campus in the kiddie-sized ride. Charlene can zoom up to 5 mph.
Something tells me we’re going to see a lot more kiddie toys rolling around campus this year..
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