Alpha Males Experiment is a unique romantic comedy that approaches things from the male point-of-view. The story follows Ethan, an aspiring director who gets dumped by...
Fans across the NFL betting world are still split on who got the best deal out of the Darrelle Revis trade this week. Revis joined Tampa...
In the latest episode of evo TV, Tiff Needell takes the new Jaguar F-Type around the Bedford Autodrome to see how it compares to the Porsche...
Nine years after Mustang production began at Ford’s Flat Rock, Michigan plant, they’re now celebrating one million of the iconic cars being built there. The millionth...
The American favorite kickball game is finally getting the Broadway treatment it deserves. Football legend Donovan McNabb will serve as the celebrity team captain / host...
Have you ever experienced “stage fright” while using the men’s room? Of course, it’s hard to pee when some weirdo is hovering around you. To test...
Withings brings weight measurement into the 21st century with the Withings WS-30 Wireless Scale. The Withings Wireless Scale offers a new way to accurately monitor your...
The Pucs project just launched on Kickstarter, and it’s a pretty wild product that’s worth checking out. These solid stainless steel ‘pucs’ replace ice cubes, and...
On most days, Aldon Lightfoot works with fellow longshoremen to load and unload ships at the Port of New Orleans. Today, Lightfoot worked alongside seven members...
The folks over at HackCollege have a new video that shows three iPhone tricks that were news to me, and I thought you guys might be...
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