Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes his feature directorial debut with Don Jon, a funny yet earnest psychological drama about a womanizer named Jon Martello (Gordon-Levitt) who earns the...
Outdoor TVs are one of the latest crazes to sweep the modern world. Now you can hang around outside and enjoy the temperature, a slight breeze...
A new vision for the future came to life today as Microsoft unveiled the Xbox One, an all-in-one gaming and entertainment system created for today and...
With most network TV shows ending for the season, now’s the time to catch up on those movies you missed out on at the theater. This...
This week brings two highly anticipated album releases that are sure to have you tapping your toes for weeks to come – Daft Punk’s Random Access...
What happens when Mythbusters meets senseless destruction and t-shirts? Hanes and its new super soft ComfortBlend line of crews, v-necks and socks are out to answer...
This past weekend, New Yorkers relished the opportunity to take in the best the city has to offer in music, food and drinks at the annual...
Every automaker wants to be at the top of the car-sales totem pole. Year after year, the race continues to produce the car that will win...
Today marks YouTube’s 8th anniversary! In 2013, more than 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. That’s more than four days of video...
In the BMW M5 and the BMW M6 Coupe, Convertible, and Gran Coupe models, race track technology is brought to the road. For generations, each model...
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