3 Days To Kill is a heart pounding action-thriller that stars Kevin Costner, Amber Heard and Hailee Steinfeld. Costner plays a dangerous international spy, who’s determined...
Smartphones have slowly taken over the world, centering modern thought around apps and techno gadgetry. Apple have drilled it into us that ‘there’s an app for...
The eighth generation of video game consoles is now upon us, and, as usual, everyone is wondering which game console is the best. Some say that...
Happy Holiday’s everybody! I recently attended an advanced screening of Grudge Match, and even though I was leery at first, I decided to give it a...
Meet 25 year old Hannah Selleck, daughter of machismo legend Tom Selleck, who recently stepped out in an editorial campaign for Reviver, the world’s first deodorant...
The Chamberlain Garage Power Station is a 3-in-one tool that mounts to your garage ceiling, providing you with on-demand air, power and lighting, always within reach...
Volkswagen recently unveiled plans to make a 2015 electric version of the extremely popular VW Golf. At the Los Angeles International Auto Show of 2013, VW...
When George A. Dickel began distilling whisky in 1870, his product wasn’t stored away in barrels and left for years to mature. Instead, it was enjoyed...
Texas tuner John Hennessey is the king of high-horsepower muscle cars, and the 2014 Corvette Stingray is the latest car to get the Hennessey treatment. The...
In the old days, it was all about the speed in which you connected to the Internet. Dial-up models connected you to the web, but the...
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