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Manly Feet Care: 4 Ways to Get It Right



When it comes to our grooming care, we can often focus on the big areas: the hair, the face, and occasionally the chest hair. But we have to remember that proper foot care is not only essential for hygiene but will make a big difference to our overall well-being. So let’s dive in, here’s a comprehensive guide on how men should look after their feet.


We get to a certain age, and it becomes essential to hydrate the skin. The feet are no different; we need to apply a quality foot cream and moisturize it to prevent dry and cracked skin. We should also pay attention to the areas prone to roughness and calluses. The heels and the side of the feet are the most common culprits. But regular moisturizing is not just going to keep your skin supple, but will prevent things like calluses and fissures from developing, which can be pretty painful if you let them!


Foot peels have gained some popularity for their ability to remove dead skin cells, calluses, and rough patches. Peel treatments such as the Baby Foot exfoliation peel typically contain exfoliating agents, and using this in combination with a pumice stone can result in smoother and rejuvenated skin. You don’t need to have a foot peel as part of your daily foot care routine, but perhaps only on a monthly basis. Besides, it’s the perfect opportunity to do a little bit of pampering!

Precision Trimming

Lots of us leave our toenails until they get into Howard Hughes territory! Properly-trimmed toenails doesn’t just contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the feet but will prevent ingrown toenails and related complications. When it comes to trimming your toenails, make sure you avoid cutting them too short or rounding the edges as this can lead to discomfort and ingrown nails. The rule is to trim straight across, and regular trimming is always easier when the nails are softer, such as after a shower or a bath. Regular trimming will reduce the risk of fungal infections.

The Right Footwear

The importance of having proper footwear cannot be understated. Shoes that provide adequate support will make a massive difference because if you wear ill-fitting shoes or you have issues that can cause problems with your feet, for example, Haglund’s bumps, which can affect posture and make it almost impossible to wear shoes without damaging them, then you won’t feel supported. What’s more, ill-fitting shoes can result in corns, calluses, or bunions. Remember to rotate your shoes regularly so they can air out, avoid wearing the same pair every day, and ensure you wear breathable materials.

There are so many aspects of manscaping that we need to pay attention to; our footcare is not just about aesthetics but is an integral part of our overall health and well-being. All of these tips are essential, but the foundation of proper foot care is all about hygiene. Regular cleaning and paying attention to those spaces between the toes are critical so you can stop bacteria and fungi dead in their tracks.

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