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Improve Your Concentration With These Tips



Today’s media is flooded with excess information and many distractions, making it difficult for some people to focus. The average person’s attention span is believed to decrease to just eight seconds. It is common to find people get distracted by their phones, among many others, a few minutes after starting something. So if you have struggled to complete some assignments at work, prepare for crucial exams or work through a challenging project, you are not alone. However, this is not a good habit, and it is important to be proactive about improving your concentration and focus. Below are seven ways to do this. 

1. Have a to-do list 

Write a to-do list at the beginning of every day to help you stay on track with your tasks. And if you remember something else during the day, you can quickly write it in your planner or notes app on your phone. For instance, you may receive an email notification regarding a task different from your current one. Setting a reminder will allow you to store the memory elsewhere. This way, you can focus all your energy and attention on your current activity. Make a list of what you need to do and when you intend to complete it. 

2/ Get a sufficient night’s sleep

Sleep deprivation can lower your concentration and cognitive skills like memory and attention. You may not experience too many issues if you stay up late once in a while. However, consistently failing to get a decent night’s sleep might also impact your mood and job performance. Being fatigued can affect your reflexes and ability to do other daily chores. A rigorous schedule, health concerns, and other circumstances make getting adequate sleep challenging. However, getting as much sleep as possible on most evenings, at least eight hours every night, is critical. 

3. Meditate 

Meditation is a physical exercise that can teach you how to concentrate and stay calm. These practices frequently involve controlling your breath and paying attention to your thoughts and you will need a quiet place. Meditation doesn’t have to be lengthy. You can set your timer for five minutes and pay attention to your breathing. This exercise can help you better manage your emotional responses, understand your reasoning and allow you to focus better. 

4. Learn to take breaks 

The idea may sound illogical, however experts claim it works. Most individuals can naturally maintain their concentration for about 40 minutes before their minds wander. You’ve most likely been there before. You can take a little mental break the next time you experience your attention slipping. Pause, leave your desk, or go outside for fresh air to rest your mind. You can also refresh yourself with nutritious food or drink. You will be more focused, motivated, and creative when you return to work.

5. Get in some exercise

Among the several advantages of regular exercise is improved concentration. After only four weeks, studies showed evidence that everyday physical activity might help increase focus and attention. Another study of older people found that a year of moderate-intensity aerobic physical exercise can help halt or even restore memory loss caused by age-related brain shrinkage. Several exercises, including golf, have been shown to promote attention, precision, and concentration. It is one of the few sports that promote creativity and creative thinking to find your target. You can visit sites like Visio Putting for training aids if you want to take up the sport. 

6. Spend time in nature

Spending time in nature is an excellent way to naturally improve your concentration, even if it’s only for a few minutes. You can take a brief walk through the local park or sit in your garden or lawn. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), spending time outdoors can have physical and mental benefits. Some researchers also suggest having green life in your office spaces to improve focus and productivity. You can add a plant to two to your work desk, whether in the workplace or at the home office, to boost your concentration. If you don’t have a green thumb, succulents are excellent low-maintenance plants.

7. Try active listening 

Active listening is a discipline that requires you to concentrate on the topic of the discussion to respond meaningfully. Pause after your conversation partner speaks to understand their words and consider your response to develop active listening skills. You can focus on the present in the conversation by nodding your head or expressing positive words while your partner or other person is talking.

Some approaches to enhance concentration may work well for you, but not so much for others. Everybody is built differently, so try a few of the above to find what works best for you.

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