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How To Make Long Journeys More Bearable



If you’re thinking about trying to make your experience of a long journey a lot more enjoyable, there are so many things that you can do here. That’s good news, especially if you are someone who particularly enjoys travel, as it is often going to be a central and unavoidable part of the travel experience. To make this work better for you, there are quite a few things that you might want to be aware of in particular.

In this post, we are going to take you through just a few essential ways to make sure that your future long journeys are much more bearable. You should find that the following are all going to be particularly worthwhile thinking about, and that you’re much more likely to actually make the most of those journeys when they come about.

Take A Pillow

This is a very simple thing that can really make a huge difference. As long as you have a pillow by your side, you are going to find it a lot easier to really enjoy the journey, whether you are traveling by bus, train or plane, or indeed any other form of transport. It means that you can much more easily put your head back and sleep, and in doing so you should find that you can get through the experience a lot more peacefully and easily.

These days you can get travel pillows which fold up pretty small and yet provide a lot of comfort, so it’s definitely worth having one of these with you if you are going to be keen to make your long journeys a lot more bearable in general.

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Pack Some Headphones

In a similar vein, something else that you are going to want to think about is having some headphones. One of the main annoyances on any long journey is when there are people who are making too much noise. That could be an arguing couple, a newborn baby, or really anything else, but the point is that this can be a really vital thing that you need to try and protect yourself against. Of course, the solution is simple, and it’s just to make sure that you have some headphones with you.

You should also of course make sure that you have some means of listening to music, podcasts, radio or whatever else. Alternatively, you can aso just get noise-canceling headphones if you just want to make sure that you are not able to hear anything outside. In either case, it’s going to help you to have a much more enjoyable journey in general.

The Right Footwear

One of the main issues with a long journey is remaining comfortable, and you’re going to find that this is something that you can easily try and improve if you want to and if you put your mind to it. It’s mostly about making sure that you are doing all you can to have the right clothes with you, but the most important element of all here is the footwear. If you don’t have the appropriate footwear, you’ll find that you are going to struggle to really enjoy your journeys a lot more, so this is something that you are really going to need to think about. Fortunately, it might be easier than you think to find the appropriate footwear, and it’s something that you can definitely do relatively simply.

All you really need is either a comfortable pair of trainers that you can easily remove if you want to, or any comfortable travel footwear that is going to be something you are happy wearing for many hours. Either way, it’s going to mean that the journey is a lot better. The latter is a better option because it means you won’t have to remove your shoes – and risk causing a smell in the cabin!

Find Entertainment

It’s important to also have plenty of entertainment with you, so that you can effectively keep yourself busy as you go through the journey. That can be a book or two, it can be something to listen to as we outlined above, or it could be a game of some kind. There is also of course the option of talking to the person next to you, as long as they are keen on that too. In any case, finding some entertainment is a great way to make sure that your journeys are going to be so much more bearable all in all.

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