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Guy Stuff

How Guys Can Look Younger As They Age



Man applying facial cream

There’s absolutely no shame in looking older and ageing gracefully. After all, we’re all ageing, so trying to hide that fact is no doubt going to make you feel unnatural. However, it’s true that you can also hold on to your youthful looks for longer through a few worthwhile efforts integrated into your schedule.

For example, by and large, the man who exfoliates and moisturizes their skin will have better, well-treated skin compared to someone who only washed their face with soap. It’s true to say that little micro-habits like this can make a profound difference in the long run.

But of course, you can’t really schedule your life around what you might look like in twenty years, so if something takes up too much of your schedule, it can be healthy to avoid than plan and opt for a preferable alternative.

In this post, then, we’ll discuss how guys can retain their youth as they age, and by that we mean sustaining their vigor, confidence, and the sense of wellbeing they deserve to have in the best possible way.


Taking care of your hair will make a big difference to how you look. Does this mean balding is a net negative? Not necessarily, provided you shave your head cleanly and go without the usual friar haircut that may look stylish in a hipster way, but still ages you. Haircare can sometimes come through hair treatments like a hair transplant depending on your aims, or you may decide to simply keep your hair tight, clean, and well treated. Make sure to condition it appropriately and semi-regularly. As long as it’s healthy, then the treatments you apply, like dyes, can be justified.


You’d be amazed at how much of a difference holding good posture can make. For some, this effort can define them as confident and more forthright. The more you hold good posture (sometimes via training your core, often by reminding yourself not to slouch), you can begin to feel more upright, attentive, interested and alert. It also helps you look more dynamic, interesting, reliable, and confident. An easy adage to remember is ‘keep your chest out and your shoulders back’ – this can help avoid the natural ‘forward head syndrome’ that comes from sitting in an office all day.

Stress Reduction

Stress, both physical and mental, can age us prematurely. You only need to look at Barack Obama, a handsome guy, who for eight years was in control of one of the most powerful nations on earth. His before and after photos, while still impressive, showcase just how much stress can age you. So, it’s worth keeping good sleep habits, expressing your stress through exercise, eating correctly, and avoiding vices that can age us prematurely like drinking too much week after week. It will make a profound difference as you get older – as here your skin will avoid being dried out and contributing to your sense of general discomfort.

With this advice, you’ll see how you can look younger as you age – but of course, never be afraid to look how old you are. There’s no shame in it.

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