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Here Are Some Things You Can Do To Take Care Of Your Mental Health



Stressed man

Mental health encompasses our emotional, social, and psychological well-being, determining how we manage stress, how we think and feel, and how we relate to other people. Poor mental health can lead to mental issues (though there are several other causes of mental illness), so it’s a major part of our overall health. It’s just as important as physical health, though it is often neglected more. In fact, mental, physical, and all other aspects of health are important parts of one’s overall health.

Physical Activity

Engaging in exercise is an obvious way to improve your physical health, but exercising also benefits your mental health. A simple 10-minute walk a day has been said to be just as effective as a 30-minute walk when it comes to boosting your mood. Exercise helps to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression by releasing chemicals in the brain that promote happiness, a feeling of calmness, sharpen focus, and an overall sense of feeling good. Engaging in physical activity also helps the brain by reducing brain fog and high stress levels.

The idea of exercising can be intimidating to some people and creates more stress than it relieves. This is usually due to the person having preconceived ideas about exercise that aren’t always positive. Exercise can be fun, and losing weight doesn’t have to be the main focus. The main focus of exercise should be to keep the body healthy, both physically and mentally.

Healthy Eating Habits

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is another way to promote good physical health, and it also benefits mental health. Fried food, processed food, and sugary foods can cause fluctuations in one’s mood and have the potential to worsen symptoms of depression, so it’s best to avoid consuming or limiting your intake of these foods— even though you feel good while eating them. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein contain many of the essential nutrients that help the brain function properly. Studies have shown that some mental health illnesses are linked to nutrient deficiencies. Some nutrients that help with mood are:

  • Vitamin B9 (Folate): Found in leafy green vegetables, cantaloupe, and lentils, folate helps with dopamine production.
  • Vitamin D: Found in dairy products, mushrooms, and even sunlight, vitamin D helps with serotonin production.

In addition to eating healthy, it’s important to drink plenty of water every day. Water helps to lower stress levels by creating a calming effect on the body, while also hydrating it. Anxiety tends to be higher in individuals who don’t drink enough water.

Take Time to Relax

For many people, relaxing is easier said than done, but this is important when it comes to your mental health. Whether you’re in school or you work, it’s necessary to take some time away from those activities to relax and recharge your mind. Relaxing can be as simple as doing absolutely nothing, or you can engage in a quiet activity that you enjoy. Some relaxing activities include meditation, listening to soothing music, reading a book, painting a picture, or journaling.

In addition to relaxing, getting enough sleep at night is essential. Many people have trouble sleeping, and unless you have a medical condition that makes it hard to sleep, there are some things you can do on you own to get a good night’s sleep:

  • Avoid caffeine late in the day
  • Reduce blue light (phone/computer) exposure at night
  • Increase bright light exposure during the day
  • Take a relaxing bath/shower

Seek Professional Help

Mental illness is a problem that can often be difficult to manage on your own. If you are struggling with a mental disorder, it is important to get professional help. Professional care can make a huge difference in the quality of your life. If you are looking for professional help for mental illness, consider hiring a 24 hour home care service whether for you, or someone you know about.

Talk to Someone

All mental health issues can’t be solved with self-care alone, and in some instances, it may be necessary to talk to a licensed therapist. A professional can give you the tools and techniques necessary to help change any negative thought patterns and behaviors you may have. For those who have suffered sexual abuse, it’s good to talk to a sexual abuse lawyer specializing in those types of cases in addition to seeking counselling.

Even if you feel as though your mental health is in a good place, talking to a therapist isn’t a bad idea. Therapy should be seen as a checkup, just like getting a checkup for your physical health.

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