Facebook Addresses Complaints With Rebuilt iPhone App
The current Facebook App for the iPhone is awful. But don’t just take my word for it, head over to Apple’s App Store, where the current version has a whopping 21,553 one-star ratings! Users repeatedly describe the app as slow, crashes, stinks, fail and “is always loading.”
The app is so bug-ridden.. I’ll click the comment button to see what people are saying about a specific photo, and instead it takes me to some Fan Page that I visited four months ago!
Facebook finally decided to rebuild its iPhone app to make it run much faster, according to New York Times reporter Nick Bilton.
Bilton spoke with two Facebook engineers, who said the new app has been built primarily using Objective-C, the programming language used to build applications for iOS. Many of the components of the current version of the Facebook app are built using HTML5, the Web-based markup language.
Bilton had the opportunity to see the unreleased iPhone application, and he said it’s “blazing fast.” The new application is currently being tested by Facebook developers, and should be released to the general public later this summer.
‘Bout time!
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