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Do Fat Burners Work: Benefits, Beginner’s Guide & Side Effects



There is no magic potion or miracle remedy when it comes to healthy lifestyle habits and weight loss. Physical activity and a healthy diet are fundamental requirements for looking and feeling good, but they should become the norm rather than the exception.

There can be shortcuts to help burn fat in certain parts of the body and to speed up the process, like fat-burning supplements, but you must keep in mind that for them to work and promote weight loss, you have to use them correctly. If you want to know how to get rid of that stubborn body fat, keep reading.

Do Fat Burners Work?

Dietary supplements are designed with different aims: improving body composition, body fat reduction, and even weight maintenance. There are different types of fat burners; each with different characteristics and needs. In the case of a keto fat burner, for example, to truly achieve the results we are expecting, it is necessary to follow a ketogenic diet (low in carbohydrates and sugars), as they are specially designed for this.

Fat burner supplements work, as long as they are taken correctly and accompanied by a low-calorie diet and exercise regimes. Remember that, for a dietary supplement to fulfill its function in the best way, it is essential to take it according to the instructions.

In addition, the moment in which they are taken is key. A stimulant fat burner is not recommended to be taken in the afternoon, but ideally at breakfast or with lunch. In the case of athletes, the best time is half an hour before training, as they will act as a pre-workout enhancer and their function will be better used. In-depth knowledge of how fat burners work can be found on the Health Canal.

Thermogenic Fat Burner

It has a mechanism of action to keep the metabolism accelerated, which directly implies a higher calorie burn throughout the day. Thermogenic action means transforming calories from body fat stores and food into energy.

Lipotropic Fat Burner

Lipotropics are those that help break down fat molecules during metabolism, acting as catalysts, thus reducing excess fat accumulated in the liver and other body tissues, like visceral fat. 

What Are The Ingredients Of Fat Burners

Weight loss supplements are made of natural or artificial compounds, some of which promote fat burn through their metabolization. It will always be more advisable to use products of natural origin because on the one hand the body can assimilate them better and on the other, they are not medicines, but nutritional supplements to support fat loss and help you lose weight. Some of the most known, according to Arogya Yoga School, are:

Green Tea Extract

Ingesting green tea can cause an increase in fat oxidation by inhibiting an enzyme that degrades norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that has effects on metabolism, affecting both insulin secretion and fat mobilization.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid

CLA is one of the most popular and is known as a belly fat burner. It might shrink fat cells and trigger fat cell death, as well as help with fat metabolism and promote sustainable weight loss.


Caffeine is one of the most powerful stimulants and is present in almost all fat burners. In addition to the extra energy boost, it gives a state of mental alertness. Still, many fat burners do not contain caffeine. They are especially for those who do not tolerate stimulants and for people who for health reasons should not consume caffeine.

Side Effects Of Fat-Burning Pills

The consumption of fat burners has associated dangers. The first of these has to do with an overdose of excitatory compounds, such as caffeine. In this context, insomnia, nervousness, tachycardia, and mood disturbances may be experienced.

A better understanding of their components and mechanisms will help you know which fat burners you can safely use. You should never start mixing fat burners or increase the doses to accelerate weight loss. The consumption of fat burners should not exceed 30 days.

On the other hand, there have been cases where fat burners have been contaminated with active components called anabolics, amphetamines, and thyroid hormones, which can produce significant side effects that may be irreversible.

Anabolic substances are fat-soluble synthetic hormones that dissolve in fats, which produce an increase in muscle mass, and amphetamines are synthetic central nervous system stimulant drugs. Thyroid hormone increases the basal metabolic rate by increasing caloric expenditure (burn calories).

Overall Side Effects

Fat burners with amphetamines (i.e. ephedrine, a popular compound of fat burners), can cause high blood pressure and heart rate because an amphetamine can make the heart reach up to 120 beats per minute at rest. It can also curb appetite but increases metabolism. It is for this reason that the person burns fat quickly. Other side effects include liver damage and dehydration. 

Natural Ways To Lose Weight

The best way to lose weight naturally is to create a balanced meal plan that includes healthy carbs, fatty acids, protein, and soluble fiber and to exercise constantly. This will help you lose fat, create lean muscle and improve body weight significantly. You have to be patient and constant.


Although there are no magic pills that eliminate excess weight, thermogenic products are a great help in dropping weight and burning fat. For that, you should choose the most appropriate and consume it correctly. Are fat burners safe? They are, as long as you respect the indicated portions, do physical activity, eat a balanced diet, and maintain proper hydration. Also, remember that these supplements are not for preventing weight gain. Don’t use them as normal dietary supplements such as protein powder.

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