CISPA: What Is It and Why Should We Care?
As the real world shifts continuously further into the virtual one, more and more issues of legality and Internet rights come into question. Though the online world may be steeped in the sharing of data and information, issues of privacy and protection of knowledge arise constantly. After the SOPA bill outraged millions this past fall, it seemed for a time that the threat of outrageous Internet privacy violations had passed. But now, congress has unleashed a new bill for review, and this one is a bigger beast entirely.
The name of the current game is CISPA, and it has little to do with copyright infringement, and everything to do with the government tracking you through the Internet. As more people conduct their work, relationships, and lives online, the future is sure to be packed with issues of what the government can and cannot do or see online. Get to know CISPA, because more and more legality issues might start to look a lot like this one.
May 4, 2012 at 12:40 am
Blasphemy. CISPA isn’t fun for us.