This week on Jimmy Kimmel Live, beloved parking lot security guard Guillermo traveled to Schiedam, Holland to learn the finer pursuits of Dutch living, and he’s...
Ever wonder who is behind those hilarious cat memes? Bravo goes inside the Seattle office of humor website with “LOLwork” on November 7th at 11pm...
A man goes to the doctor after feeling ill. The doctor says, “You know, you should have come to see me sooner. Unfortunately, you’ve waited too...
Bar Refaeli announces her new Kickstarter campaign to watch and possibly even be in her sex tape, that is if she can get enough backers who...
As a prank, the guys from glued an iPhone 5 on one of the busiest squares in Amsterdam to see how people reacted.
This old dude is the life of the party!
Actor/comedian Josh Robert Thompson (“Family Guy,” Geoff the Robot on “The Late Late Show”) narrates selections from the “50 Shades” series as Morgan Freeman. He does...
I just can’t get enough of those funny cat pictures that account for 90% of all traffic on the Internet. Whether they’re dressed up in crazy...
So this chick from KU made a post on Facebook that she was looking for a boyfriend, though it was only meant as a joke. Later...
Most horror movie plots are cheesy and predictable, but every once in a while, a movie comes along that touches on our deepest, darkest, most unimaginable...