The Batman film franchise included a total of nine theatrical live-action movies and two live-action serials featuring the DC Comic superhero, Batman. But now that Christopher...
SyFy has always been known for their absurd movies, but 2013’s Sharknado took it to another level, with Ian Ziering (Beverly Hills 90210) and Tara Reid...
Back in December, we got our first glimpse at the upcoming Transformers movie with a teaser trailer that had us on the edge of our seats....
One of the most sought-after Christmas gifts this year was the NES Classic Edition, a miniaturized version of Nintendo’s original home console which comes complete with...
Back in October, we shared the teaser trailer for John Wick 2 from New York Comic Con with you guys, and it was a pretty explosive...
Years ago, I worked for a large bank doing tech support, and there was a lot of down time with nothing to do. Luckily, my computer...
This past week was pretty much the Holy Grail for movie lovers, with a number of high-profile movie trailers getting released and setting the stage for...
This is a paid post on behalf of Megan Media and DISH HopperGO, but the opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. As someone who’s...
If you haven’t seen the acclaimed STARZ Original series Black Sails, you’re missing out on a great show! The highly anticipated pirate adventure centers on the...
It’s hard to believe, but it has been fourteen years since Vin Diesel first debuted as Xander Cage in the high adrenaline film xXx. Ice Cube...