Leaving college is an exciting time, however brings with it a whole new set of life challenges and problems to solve. Don’t worry, we aren’t going...
The sanctions handed down at a press conference held by the NCAA on Monday include a fine, a four-year post-season ban, and the wiping out of...
For college-bound guys, making a great first impression and putting their best face forward on campus is essential to winning over the girls AND the professors...
Whether you’re going to school in California or Iowa, much of the college experience is pretty similar, making college-based humor funny to students nationwide. We think...
College is a huge part of your life. You meet new people, figure out what you want to do for a living, and you PARTY YOUR...
Every year on the first of April you’ll see coffee cups glued to car roofs and Facebook statuses claiming surprise marriages. But don’t we deserve a...
I recently came across a book called The Dean’s List. It’s being called “The Godfather meets The Social Network,” so if that sounds like your kind...
Ford Motor Company is teaming up with Zipcar – the world’s leading car-sharing network – to make transportation available to students at more than 250 university...
For the sixth time in its 58-year history, Playboy magazine has released its list of Top 10 Party Schools. The much-talked-about rankings, featured in the magazine’s...