Texas Chainsaw 3D continues the legendary story of the homicidal Sawyer family, picking up where Tobe Hooper’s 1974 horror classic left off in Newt, Texas, where...
In Dead Ringer, internationally renowned neurosurgeon Allen Wyler takes us deep into a nightmarish scenario, shockingly ripped from recent headlines, to deliver a horrifically plausible, page-turning...
Apple’s press conference today had Apple fanboys and haters alike glued to their computers as Apple’s CEO Tim Cook finally releaved the much-anticipated Apple iPhone 5....
In honor of September 11th, we bring you this commemorative time-lapse video showing the rise of One World Trade Center, New York’s tallest building, and has...
Since September is Bourbon Heritage Month, we thought it’d be fitting to drop some fun facts about bourbon with our readers. Bourbon production has more than...
“That’s why you use autotune and I don’t.” Simon’s reaction is just priceless!
Tom Brady’s got it all. Fame, fortune, three Super Bowl rings, a supermodel wife, and a sweet pair of UGG for Men Hannen boots. Brady’s probably...
The regular NFL football season kicks off tonight, and you know what that means! It’s time for tailgating! My car’s packed with all of the essentials...
It’s been awhile since I’ve done a post like this, but I’m back with some new tracks that are sure to please. Give ’em a listen...
I’m addicted to CSR Racing, and have been playing it for the past month or so. The game itself is free for your iPhone or iPad,...