The upscale French lingerie company Agent Provocateur recruited Penelope Cruz to write and direct a sexy short film to introduce their new new L’Agent line, and...
Each year, Beck’s selects six artists from different disciplines to design original creative work to live on Beck’s beer labels. Dedicated to supporting up-and-coming artistic talent,...
One of the funniest Jackass characters had to be Johnny Knoxville dressed up as 86-year-old Irving Zisman. Now Zisman is traveling the country with his grandson...
Anyone that’s worked with carbon fiber knows just how expensive (not to mention labor intensive) it is. So imagine the time and money it’d take to...
A recent study concluded that girls have gotten hotter over the past 100 years. No shit Sherlock, just look at the photo above for proofs of...
Today is National Tequila Day, and Hornitos Tequila is inviting tequila fans to celebrate the holiday with an authentic Mexican sipping partner. Sangrita was born in...
Limp Bizkit recently signed with Birdman’s label Cash Money Records, and they’ve been working on a new album, Stampede Of The Disco Elephants. Yesterday, Durst and...
Machete Kills, the sequel to the 2010 hit film Machete is coming out on October 11, 2013. In Machete Kills, Danny Trejo returns as ex-Federale agent...
As if Kim Kardashian didn’t get enough shit for the stupid baby name she chose (seriously, North West?!), now she’s under fire for this Tweet she...
Candice Swanepoel is arguably one of the sexiest Victoria’s Secret model on the planet, and that’s why we named her our Hottie of the Week way...