In the upcoming action thriller The November Man, Pierce Brosnan plays Peter Devereaux, an extremely dangerous and highly trained ex-CIA agent who is lured out of...
Thursday, July 24th marks National Tequila Day, and what better way to observe the tequila-aficionado’s favorite holiday than with a specialty cocktail from Tequila Don Julio....
Let’s face it, the subcompact market isn’t very exciting.. But it represents an important segment for first-time car buyers, eco-friendly consumers, and for city dwellers where...
Today is National Hammock Day (what’s with all the holidays suddenly?), and we can’t think of a better way to celebrate than with a delicious cocktail!...
As the quintessential summer drink, the frozen daiquiri has long inspired feelings of seaside vacations and lounging by the pool. How else then would you expect...
People have been pestering Screen Junkies to give The Walking Dead the Honest Trailers treatment, so they finally did one! Watch as they look back at...
The Haynes Death Star Owner’s Technical Manual is essential for any current or aspiring Death Star owner. Given everything the Rebels had to go through to...
This morning, our local news station did a story about a Kickstarter campaign that was breaking all kinds of records. Naturally, I thought they were talking...
Listen up! Summer’s here and the living is easy. Now, that doesn’t mean you can rock your one and only pair of board shorts everywhere you...
Design studio Ryan Harc has created a colorless Coca-Cola can design with a convex logo pressed right into the aluminum. It’s a modern spin on a...