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7 Essential Items You Need In Your Gym Bag



If you’re hitting up the gym before work, it’s important that your gym bag is packed with your essentials. If you forget something as basic as soap or deodorant, you might just earn the nickname of “Smelly” at work.

As such, we’ve compiled a list of gym essentials that you should keep with you at all times:

1. Quality Workout Clothes

This should go without saying, but you’d be surprised at the number of times I come across guys working out in their JEANS. Seriously?! How hard is it to pack a t-shirt, shorts and some sneakers? Just remember to toss your dirty clothes in the wash when you get home, or your gym bag will be smelling ripe in no time!

2. Towel

One of my biggest pet peeves in the gym is walking up to a machine and finding it covered in someone else’s sweat. Yuck! Be courteous and bring a towel to wipe down the equipment after you finish using it. And bring along a second towel for the shower, unless you want to be that guy drying off under the hand dryer.

3. Headphones

Nothing breaks up the monotony of a workout like some music. So break out a pair of low-cost headphones (they’re going to get sweaty, so just get something cheap like the $20 Skullcandy Ink’d), turn up some Eye of the Tiger, and push yourself to the limit!

4. Grooming / Skin Care Products

If you work out in the morning like me, you’re probably headed to work afterwards, right? So skip the shower at home and get ready at the gym after your workout, using their hot water. Boots No7 Men Energising Face Wash and Energising Hair & Body Wash helps revive and renew your body and skin after a workout. Amore Pacific products use green tea as a main ingredient so those are also a good bet for men.

5. Shaver

You can’t show up to work with a day old beard, so make sure you bring an electric shaver with you and get cleaned up in the locker room before you leave. Afterwards, apply Boots No7 Men Protect & Perfect Intense Moisturizer SPF 15 on your face, as it offers unbeatable protection against the sun’s UV rays and its aging effects on skin.

6. Protein Shake

The best way to promote muscle growth is by drinking a protein shake immediately after your workout. So if you’re not heading home after the gym, pack a shaker bottle (I’m partial to the Blender Bottle) filled with your favorite protein powder, and then just mix it with water for a shake on the go! If you’re struggling to keep yourself motivated or your energy levels up, a protein shake with supplements like vitamins works. If you’re looking to up your game supplements like beta-alanine can give you that additional edge. Hitting the gym before going to work can be difficult at the best of times, especially when you can’t get out of bed (either because you love your sleep or there’s a hottie right next to you that you can’t tear yourself away from)!

7. A Gym Bag

This one should be a given, but I’ve seen way too many people show up to the gym with their stuff in a plastic bag, so humor me. You could get away with a backpack or something, but if you’re leaving the gym in a nice suit, shouldn’t your carry on look the part as well? The Herschel Novel Duffle is a beautiful bag that will keep all of your gym essentials in place.

If you have any other suggestions for must-have gym essentials, make sure you leave us a comment below!

Zander Chance is a technology nut who is always first in line to try out the latest tech gadgets. He also has been an active affiliate marketer for the past 15 years, and he writes about his adventures in that on his blog.



  1. Sujeet Patel

    October 21, 2014 at 8:30 pm

    Don’t forget about a combination lock for your locker. Leave it unlocked, and you’re just inviting trouble..

  2. Trent

    October 22, 2014 at 9:13 am

    Bring sandals for the shower, unless you want athletes foot! Ask me how I know. 🙁

  3. Phil

    October 23, 2014 at 12:14 pm

    As a gym rat myself this is all good advice!

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