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7 Effective Ways To Up Your Golf Game In 2022



When you start learning to play golf, it’s exciting. With every swing and every hole, you see yourself get better and better. But as every avid golfer knows, there comes a point when you stop seeing significant improvement – before you reach Rory McIlroy’s skill level. 

This plateau doesn’t mean you’ve reached your peak. It just means you need to shift your strategy to reach your goal to become an outstanding golfer. 

What makes a great golfer?

If you’re frustrated with your progress and don’t know which goals to set other than to ‘get better,’ take a moment to think about what qualities make a great golfer. Professional golfers all share the following qualities:

  • Emotional control
  • Patient disposition
  • Ability to stay focused
  • Confidence
  • Emphasis on the short game

If you’re missing any of these qualities, they may make a good goal for you to take actionable steps to achieve. To help you reach these goals, you’ll also want to implement the following seven strategies:

7 ways to up your golf game

Establish regular and achievable goals 

There’s a right way and a wrong way to set goals for yourself. To set effective goals, you’ll need to break your main, overarching goal into several smaller goals. 

You’ll also need to list the steps you will take to achieve each mini-goal, as well as the time frame in which you plan to complete it. Assess your goals regularly and modify them when needed. 

Invest in the right equipment

Golf can be an expensive sport, but unfortunately, you’re only ever as good as your equipment. However, you don’t need to have the top-of-the-line equipment to be successful. If you haven’t done so already, visit a professional fitter to get measured and find the right equipment for your unique style and swing.

In addition to proper basic equipment, there are also several gadgets all golfers should own. Advancements in golf technology are happening all the time, so stay up to date and on the lookout for something that can help you step up your game. 

Exercise on and off the green

Within the general public, gold has a reputation for being one of the less athletic sports. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Gold requires a combination of both endurance and strength. If you’re not regularly engaging in exercise, you’re not fulfilling your full potential. 

To increase your endurance, start by going on regular walks. Once you’re comfortable with this, you can up your cardio. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure you’re lifting weights to improve the strength of your swings. Regular stretching is also important to improve mobility and prevent injury. 

Step out of your comfort zone with your technique

If you’ve been playing golf for a while, chances are you’re set in your ways. While it’s great that you’ve found a technique that works for you, it could also be limiting you. 

Step out of your comfort zone and try new techniques. Though you may not be very good at them at first, changing things up will allow you to explore other techniques that might improve your overall game. 

Stop comparing yourself to others

While changing things up if you’re stuck in a rut is a great strategy for many, if you’re constantly trying to emulate Tiger’s swing, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Stop comparing yourself to others and remind yourself that your golf game should be unique to you. You have something to offer to the sport that everyone else lacks; be yourself and don’t worry about fitting into the mold of what you think a professional golfer ‘should’ look like. 

Take yourself less seriously

At the end of the day, you probably got into golf because it’s fun. The relationships you formed on the green, the excitement you feel when you get the ball into the hole, and even the major mistakes that make the other people in your party laugh are all part of the experience. 

If you’ve become so set on improving your game that playing golfing is stressful, it’s time to take a step back and remind yourself why you got into the sport in the first place. Take yourself less seriously and get back to having fun; you may be surprised by how much simply lowering your stress level improves your game. 

Play every day

You’ve heard it a million times: practice makes perfect. It’s a cliche, but it’s also true. Even if you don’t have the time (or the budget) to play a full game of golf each day, try to get yourself down to a public driving range and practice your swing.

Even completing just 100 swings each day will majorly improve your game.

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