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4 Simple Techniques To Enhance Your Car’s Performance



BMW M3 - front view

It is easy to assume that any maintenance done on your vehicle is costly, difficult, and time-consuming. Fortunately, this is not always the case, as you can do a few things to maintain or improve your vehicle’s performance. Aside from being cost-effective, these DIY activities would also make your car look good and last longer and help improve the overall driving experience. Below are a few of them to consider.

1. Use only high-quality oil

Fully synthetic premium motor oil often costs $10 to $15 more than ordinary oil. But you can expect to pay not less than $50 if you send your car for a synthetic oil change service rather than DIY at home. Investing in high-quality oil is worthwhile if your car has accumulated some mileage. Synthetic premium motor oils include chemicals that assist with engine lubrication and extend your vehicle’s life while boosting performance. 

2. Keep up with maintenance

It’s easy to miss an oil change, overlook tire rotation, or put off replacing your air filter. However, these little maintenance practices go a long way to keep your automobile operating smoothly. Prioritize these maintenance jobs to save cash while keeping the car’s performance at optimal levels. Maintenances are particularly crucial if you have a high-mileage or older car. Despite this, everybody drives differently, and even with the best maintenance, your car may struggle to keep up if it isn’t designed for your performance needs. For this reason, it is vital to consider your performance-designed automobiles like the Jeep Cherokee for optimum driving experience, handling features, and efficient braking capabilities. 

3. Declutter to cut the weight 

It is easy to accumulate clutter in your car without taking notice. The trunk, back seat, and glove compartment are common clutter areas. Unfortunately, the added weight of clutter can strain your engine and drag its performance. While it is okay to maintain certain useful items in your car, it is advisable to remove the excess that may affect its performance. Payload restrictions may be unexpectedly low based on the size of your vehicle. Additionally, keeping your car clutter-free can benefit safety, stress reduction, interior preservation, and keeping pests away. 

4. Get some reliable tires

A trustworthy pair of tires improves friction with the road, especially in snowy or wet weather. Investing in a decent pair of tires is essential to guarantee that your vehicle can function safely in any road condition. You may obtain better gas mileage and have fewer flat tires if you maintain your tires based on the manufacturer’s guidelines. Soft tires may wear out faster but provide a softer ride, improved grip, and braking. Meanwhile, hard tires have a longer lifespan and are best suited for challenging situations such as rugged terrain and fast speeds.

You should find the above tips useful if you’re looking for easy and affordable solutions to boost your car’s performance. The little money and effort you invest in your automobile can provide a smoother ride, fuel efficiency, and better engine performance.

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